Back to Reality

     Having four days off seemed nice. It would have been nice if I actually got to do nothing but lay on the beach and relax (which I did for a couple of hours). My grandma came home Thursday. I helped my mom get her into the house and situated. I left after to meet my dad and other relatives at the beach. An hour later, my mom calls and says my grandma went back to the hospital because she was having breathing issues and turning grey/blue. So I ended up leaving the beach because that was all I could think about. She came home again and was fine until Saturday. Saturday morning I did my usual routine of draining her catheter bag, making her coffee, giving her medicine, and helping her get up. She did pretty good. Then later that evening, my gut instinct told me to check on her. I'm glad I did. Somehow, her catheter tube came out. Not the entire catheter because there wasn't blood everywhere, so I knew that the balloon was still inside. But she freaked out when I told her what happened. She got scared and didn't want to go to the hospital. Her memory is bad so the whole time I'm waiting for transport to take her, she kept asking why she was up out of bed and where was she going. Long story short, I didn't get her home and situated until about 4 a.m. The hospital she went to always takes their sweet time and they never know what the hell they are doing.
     Aside from all of that, I did get some rest and spent some time at the beach. I didn't get sunburn so that is always a plus. Now I'm sitting at work starting another busy week. It's back to reality for me. Which means stress, work, school, bills, and everything in between. This is the first week I will have clinical for three days. Those end on the 22nd and I'm pretty nervous and excited at the same time. The one thing that worries me about taking my state exam (skills part) is that I won't do something correctly. Like if I do a bed bath the way I do in a nursing home instead of the state testing way. I plan on practicing as much as possible before my test day. My class wants to send all of our applications and fees together so we have a better chance of testing together. Clinical is fun and sad at the same time. It makes me scared to get old and wonder if I'll be properly taken care of. But it is fun running around answering call lights and giving these people proper care. I love doing it and I can't wait until I'm certified to start my career in healthcare!


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