Serious $aving.

     Looking at my savings account and seeing the small amount of money that is in it, only tells me that I'm nowhere near where I need to be financially for school. Originally when I first started community college, I told myself I wanted to pay completely out of pocket for all of my pre-requisites, nursing school, and my Bachelors degree.  That probably could of happened if I had been saving like I should have been. My account is down some because I paid for this nurse aide course but it is also low because I had to pay $300 for some car repairs. I always get mad at myself for not saving as soon as I started working when I was 16. I would be set financially right now if I had. Instead, I scramble every semester to pay for my credits, books, and other supplies. Just because I go to community college and not a university doesn't mean it's not expensive. Each semester I pay over $1000 by the time I pay for everything. That ads up. Thankfully, I don't have any student loan debt or payments to make. That is why my initial goal was to pay for ALL of education out of pocket, to eliminate both of those in the long run. 
     With all of that said, I have some serious saving to do. My new goal isn't to pay for all of my schooling out of pocket, simply because I don't have enough time to save up $20,000+ within a year/year and a half. But I would like to pay about $10,000 out of pocket for nursing school.  I haven't been compulsively shopping as much but I need to quit it all together. That right there will save me at least $50 for school. I'm still saving every penny, literally. I don't care if it is pennies, nickels, dimes, or quarters; they go into my change jar. I wait for it to get full then I roll the coins and take them to the bank. I also put at least $25 into my savings each pay week. Another thing I just thought of is how I need to manage money better once I start working as a nurse aide part time. I have no idea what my starting pay is, but I will be making less than what I make now since it will be part time. I will really have to crunch to pay my few bills and for school. I just have to keep saving and hope that it works out for me in the end. Or I could just win the lottery and all of this stress will disappear :)


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