Pennies for Pensacola!

     So I was sitting here at work thinking about everything and this idea popped into my head. Since I'm not putting as much money into my Pensacola Beach vacation fund, I thought of the phrase "pennies for Pensacola". Yea I know, weird that that just popped into my head but whatever. I'm going to start saving my pennies separate from my other spare change so that I know at least some money will be in my vacation fund. It may take longer to save up with pennies but I'll throw other change into the jar when I remember or feel like it. I want to go there so bad. The pictures I see and the stories I read make me wish I would have started saving a long time ago. I've never been that far south, plus I'll be driving since I don't like planes. It will be a long car ride but at least I could take my time coming back and stop at places that look interesting. Let the penny savings begin!


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