Nothing to Complain About.

     Besides waiting anxiously for my state test date and wanting to work as a cna, I have nothing to complain about shockingly. I'm back on track to lose weight and be healthy. It will take time but I feel like I'm more committed this go around. My boyfriend and I have started going hiking on Saturdays at our state park. I love it. I love moving around and getting exercise instead of standing in one place like riding an elliptical. I have been debating about buying a treadmill to work on my jogging skills. I eventually want to be be able to jog on the hiking trails. I still have some bad habits like eating when I'm sad, stressed, or depressed and drinking Pepsi whenever I crave one. I'm trying my best to stay away from that crap. I just have to stay strong and keep telling myself that I can do this. Work is work. We all know my feelings about that.
     Tuition for the fall semester is due at the beginning of August. Thankfully, I already have enough for the one class I'm taking which is Child Psychology. I read reviews about the teacher I chose and she seems pretty easy going. I'm hoping I can pass with an "A" to increase my GPA. I'm currently at a 3.6 which is great considering what it was in high school. When I think back about my attitude towards high school, I kind of get angry that I let my peers get to me and have an influence on my attitude towards school. If I would have cared and applied myself to my studying and classes like I do now, I could probably be going to a decent university. But I guess that is life. You learn from mistakes, yet continue to make new ones.
     Thankfully it is Friday and payday. I'm ready to get this day over with and see my grandma. She is back in a nursing home. We think that she will have to live at one permanently because she continues to get UTIs from her catheter. We worry because a couple of years ago when she had one, a lady who was there to check on her said she was trying to go out the front door to search for her mother, who has been dead for decades. That was alarming. She hasn't done that since, but as a precaution we want to take every measure possible to keep her safe. She is almost 93 years old so we can't expect for her to act like she is able to run track. It's sad watching someone you love deteriorate and slowly become more and more dependent on others to do things for them. I understand a lot more now and how to take better care of her thanks to the nurse aide program. Mostly everything I do is because of my grandma. She is my strength and inspiration.


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