
     I love going to clinical for the nurse aide program. Helping people and making them smile makes me happy. I'm pretty hopeful and confident that I will pass state and become certified to work as an aide. The one thing I'm concerned about now is nursing school and becoming a nurse. That is the only career I've thought about but what if I don't make it? What if nursing school is too hard or too much for me to handle? Yea, being an aide is great but I won't be able to make a decent living off it. I wouldn't be able to expand my choices and career paths in just that field as you would as a registered nurse. They say if you want something bad enough you'll get it or achieve it but some of the stories I hear about nursing school worry me. I'm terrible at math and if I can't grasp any concepts, I'll fail then be pushed back another semester to re-take classes and stuff. This is so nerve racking.
     There are many career choices out there but what else would I choose if I don't make it as a registered nurse? I like music a lot. Maybe I could pursue a career dealing with finding new talent or something. I love shopping. Could I make decent money being a manager for one of my favorite retail stores? Maybe I could find another type of healthcare career I'll love. I know this seems crazy, but I just want to be prepared in case I fail at my dreams of becoming a nurse. I'm very driven and hard working but it seems like nursing school breaks everyone down at some point. This is one of those "we'll cross that bridge when we get to it" scenarios. I haven't even finished all of my pre-reqs for the nursing program. I haven't even taken my state exam for my nurse aide class. I need to stop stressing over things that haven't even come my way yet. It doesn't help and it doesn't make anything better.


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