
Showing posts from December, 2012

Looking back on 2012

Happy New Years Eve everyone! I'm so excited because I just paid my tuition for my upcoming semester which starts on January 7th. A few good things will be happening in 2013, most of them will occur in January. I start my new semester, turn 21 and it's the beginning of a new year. What's not to like? Since today is the last official day of 2012, I thought I would write about things I remember from the past year. Some memories may not be as good as others but they are still in my head. These memories are in no particular order and I'm typing them as they appear in my mind: I got into 2 accidents. One guy hit my passenger side because he wasn't paying attention due to him talking on his cell phone. The other happened because an idiot decided to run a stop sign right after looking me dead in the face. He even admitted to the police he saw me but kept going! Glad this is in the past. Watch out for other idiot drivers! I volunteered more than ever. I did a fundraiser

Head Start

Even though the new year is still 5 days away, I have already started on some of my goals. I almost have $200 saved up for my wisdom teeth removal, I'm slowly introducing my body to my elliptical  again and I have been drinking a lot of water. I saw this awesome idea on Tumblr. It was a poster board that someone wrote their goals on and I plan on doing that as well. I feel like I will be more likely to achieve my goals if I write them down and can see them on a daily basis instead of writing them somewhere on paper and losing it due to my disorganization. Since I am off this whole week for Christmas, I decided to also go ahead and get some things ready for my next semester of college. I set up my planner and labeled my notebooks for each class. I need to get binder tabs for my different classes since I plan on using one binder for all classes instead of one binder for each. For the first time in a long time I think I'm excited for a new year and what is has in store. Getting an

Ready for a break!

Today is my last full day of work for a week. And I'm sure it will be SLOW as ever. During my week off I plan to accomplish a few things, and organizing my room is the main one. I have stuff everywhere. The Christmas presents are understandable. I can't put them under the tree because my dogs will open them (weird I know, they are like children). Other things I plan on getting done is fixing my passenger window in my car, getting my hair trimmed and possibly adding colors, and preparing myself for the new year and a new semester of college! I know I talk about that a lot in my blog postings but I can't help it. I really love going to school and working my way towards a great career. I'm hoping this break will also allow me to catch up on sleep and relaxation since I have been stressing about so many things at once. The presents I got for everyone should make them happy. I bought gifts that reminded me of people, if that makes sense. I didn't go over my budget for gi

I Feel Good.

Last night I got back on my elliptical for the first time in months. Even though I only lasted 9 minutes, it's still a start. I am going to slowly work my way back up to riding it for an hour with ease. During the weekdays I have decided I will alternate between riding my elliptical and doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I know your supposed to do the shred for 30 days consecutively but I want to change up my routines. Earlier this week I also finished all of Christmas shopping! I'm glad I got everything done when I did because I have noticed that traffic on the roads and in shopping centers has increased A LOT. The other thing that makes me feel good is that my textbooks for next semester came Monday :) I can't wait to go back. Going to college makes me feel great about myself. It shows me how motivated I am to have an actual career someday instead of working a dead beat minimum wage job for ever. Plus I like learning. I always have. I'm the type of person that w

Letting myself go

I don't know why I quit riding my elliptical, doing the 30 Day Shred and eating healthier. It could have been stress or just the fact that I was tired of giving my all and not seeing the results I wanted. I felt better when I worked out and ate healthy foods. I am still down the 7 pounds I lost and I haven't gained them back but that is nowhere near my 32 pound weight loss goal. I feel like I have failed myself. Do I hate the person I see in the mirror? No. Do I like the person? No. I still need to lose this weight though. I should have never given up in the first place because by now, I could have been close, at, or over my goal. I realize I'm not morbidly obese or massively overweight but when I look in the mirror I see all of my fat flaws. My thighs jiggle when I walk and when I sit down, they get even bigger. I have arm fat. I have a muffin top. The list with my body issues can go on and on. I've always been a big girl and maybe that is how I'm supposed to stay.

Lots Left to do Equals Lots of STRESS!

 I am seriously one of the most stressed out 20 year olds I've ever met. I have a lot of things that need to get done but working ALL the time, especially during the day when this stuff should be done, makes it nearly impossible! I need an oil change and I was going to leave early from work to make it to the shop on time but since my boss has to go to a job and no one will be here to watch the office, I have to go on my lunch break. Going on my lunch break means that I will have to eat on the way and be late coming back due to traffic and the wait time. My passenger window is still broken due to the fact that the part I need is almost vanished completely and no one anywhere has it. I hate looking at the tape on my window and hearing my door rattle since the panel is off. On top of all of this, I still have a heaping mound of Christmas crap in my room that I was hopefully going to sell at my yard sale last weekend, but like usual it rained! I'm trying again this weekend and if t

For the New Year

I know it is only the beginning of December but I want to go ahead and list my goals for the new year of 2013. I'm going to use the word goals instead of resolutions, one because it is shorter and two the word resolution means that I can or cannot change what I want and a goal will leave me no choice but to change or reach what I want. Here is my list in no particular order: Get my wisdom teeth ripped out. My dental insurance sucks, so I have to pay about $1000 out of pocket. This is something I have been slowly saving for but I plan to have it done at some point in 2013. Make EXCELLENT grades in the upcoming 2013 semesters. I want no grades lower than a "B". Finally get the Canon T3i Rebel that I have also been trying to save up for.  Get my belly button pierced. I'm a chicken. Buy a new transmission for my car. The one I have now isn't terrible or anything yet, but I want to be prepared for when it does break down. Keep saving money for community colle

Working in Customer Service gets Annoying.

For those of you that don't know by now, I have worked at the same boat service yard for 3 years. I started right after I graduated from high school. I really like it. The pay is good, the people I work with are great and I get weekends off. However, there are two main issues I run into with customers. The first issue that drives me nuts is when customers are rude and snotty for no reason. Who pissed in your Wheaties? I always try to be nice even when they have an attitude with me for no reason at all but sometimes it's hard not to lose it. The other issue is when the customer thinks they know how to do my job or they want to set their own rules and prices for work to be done. My purpose as the office manager/secretary is to inform customers of prices, accept payment and schedule your boat. Trust me, I know what I'm doing, that's why I got this job. If I tell you a price for a paint job and you tell me some guy told you it would only be $500, don't you think I would

Almost Done!

Christmas is in 14 days and I will hopefully be done with all of my shopping this weekend! I get so excited at this time of year because of all of the decorations and lights. It puts me in a great mood. I always have a lot of people do buy for. The biggest thing I always purchase is gift cards, which is a good thing because my wrapping skills need work. I want to do some kind of charity this month for the holidays. I haven't decided if I should bake cookies for the local homeless shelter or maybe try and collect some winter items for them. I did donate some toys to Toys for Tots but I don't feel like that is enough. I wish I had more free time to do more fundraising and charity work. I really love helping those in need. For anyone out there with shopping left to do, good luck and happy shopping!

New Year. New Semester. New Me.

My next semester of college starts in January and I cannot wait. For the new year I won't be making too many resolutions because I'm happy with my life at the moment. The only things I really want to work on in the new year is to get back in shape and start exercising and stuff again. I stopped due to the fact that it stressed me out since I would still worry about how I looked in my clothes and to other people. I stopped caring but it is time to start caring again. For the new year I also want to focus on school. It's not like I wasn't focused on it before but I want to make EXCELLENT grades and even if I don't like the classes I must take in order to apply to the nursing program, I will still pretend I do so that they aren't as miserable. And as always, I want to keep putting money into my savings for school to avoid taking out loans and asking the parentals. Nothing makes me more proud than to brag about how I paid for my school out of my own money instead of