I Feel Good.

Last night I got back on my elliptical for the first time in months. Even though I only lasted 9 minutes, it's still a start. I am going to slowly work my way back up to riding it for an hour with ease. During the weekdays I have decided I will alternate between riding my elliptical and doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I know your supposed to do the shred for 30 days consecutively but I want to change up my routines. Earlier this week I also finished all of Christmas shopping! I'm glad I got everything done when I did because I have noticed that traffic on the roads and in shopping centers has increased A LOT. The other thing that makes me feel good is that my textbooks for next semester came Monday :) I can't wait to go back. Going to college makes me feel great about myself. It shows me how motivated I am to have an actual career someday instead of working a dead beat minimum wage job for ever. Plus I like learning. I always have. I'm the type of person that will ask questions about anything that I'm curious about. Have a great Wednesday everyone :)


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