Head Start

Even though the new year is still 5 days away, I have already started on some of my goals. I almost have $200 saved up for my wisdom teeth removal, I'm slowly introducing my body to my elliptical  again and I have been drinking a lot of water. I saw this awesome idea on Tumblr. It was a poster board that someone wrote their goals on and I plan on doing that as well. I feel like I will be more likely to achieve my goals if I write them down and can see them on a daily basis instead of writing them somewhere on paper and losing it due to my disorganization. Since I am off this whole week for Christmas, I decided to also go ahead and get some things ready for my next semester of college. I set up my planner and labeled my notebooks for each class. I need to get binder tabs for my different classes since I plan on using one binder for all classes instead of one binder for each. For the first time in a long time I think I'm excited for a new year and what is has in store. Getting an early start already makes me feel like 2013 will be a great year.


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