Ready for a break!

Today is my last full day of work for a week. And I'm sure it will be SLOW as ever. During my week off I plan to accomplish a few things, and organizing my room is the main one. I have stuff everywhere. The Christmas presents are understandable. I can't put them under the tree because my dogs will open them (weird I know, they are like children). Other things I plan on getting done is fixing my passenger window in my car, getting my hair trimmed and possibly adding colors, and preparing myself for the new year and a new semester of college! I know I talk about that a lot in my blog postings but I can't help it. I really love going to school and working my way towards a great career. I'm hoping this break will also allow me to catch up on sleep and relaxation since I have been stressing about so many things at once. The presents I got for everyone should make them happy. I bought gifts that reminded me of people, if that makes sense. I didn't go over my budget for gifts which surprised me. Most of the stuff I bought was on sale though so I got lucky on that part. For those of you reading this that still have holiday shopping to do, GOOD LUCK. Traffic in my area has been steadily getting worse and I don't even plan on going out this weekend. Have a great Thursday :)


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