Working in Customer Service gets Annoying.

For those of you that don't know by now, I have worked at the same boat service yard for 3 years. I started right after I graduated from high school. I really like it. The pay is good, the people I work with are great and I get weekends off. However, there are two main issues I run into with customers. The first issue that drives me nuts is when customers are rude and snotty for no reason. Who pissed in your Wheaties? I always try to be nice even when they have an attitude with me for no reason at all but sometimes it's hard not to lose it. The other issue is when the customer thinks they know how to do my job or they want to set their own rules and prices for work to be done. My purpose as the office manager/secretary is to inform customers of prices, accept payment and schedule your boat. Trust me, I know what I'm doing, that's why I got this job. If I tell you a price for a paint job and you tell me some guy told you it would only be $500, don't you think I would know the actual price since I work here? Exactly. Sometimes the phrase "The customer is always right" is completely wrong and irrelevant. But then I get the great "regular" customers who come in all the time for work and other things needed to be done and they are as sweet as they can be. Why can't every customer be like that? If everyone would be happy, the world would be a more enjoyable place. While I'm on the subject of customer service, I would like to say that I HATE going into stores and the person working the register or working in a certain is as rude as can be. Obviously these type of people put on a "front" at their interviews just to get the job, then once they get it they treat customers like crap. I don't care where I'm working, whether it is at McDonalds, a clothing store in the mall or in an office like I am now, I am going to like my job or pretend too and make customers happy because that is what I'm paid to do. And for people who work in fast food who make nasty food and sloppy burgers, remember that you chose that job, that job didn't choose you. The moral here is to do your job correctly with a positive attitude or go somewhere else that will deal with you.


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