For the New Year

I know it is only the beginning of December but I want to go ahead and list my goals for the new year of 2013. I'm going to use the word goals instead of resolutions, one because it is shorter and two the word resolution means that I can or cannot change what I want and a goal will leave me no choice but to change or reach what I want. Here is my list in no particular order:

  • Get my wisdom teeth ripped out. My dental insurance sucks, so I have to pay about $1000 out of pocket. This is something I have been slowly saving for but I plan to have it done at some point in 2013.
  • Make EXCELLENT grades in the upcoming 2013 semesters. I want no grades lower than a "B".
  • Finally get the Canon T3i Rebel that I have also been trying to save up for. 
  • Get my belly button pierced. I'm a chicken.
  • Buy a new transmission for my car. The one I have now isn't terrible or anything yet, but I want to be prepared for when it does break down.
  • Keep saving money for community college
  Those are the only goals I have for myself in 2013. The main ones I really care about is getting my wisdom teeth taken out and getting a new transmission. Saving money for school is an everyday goal but I decided to put it on the list to remind myself not to buy things I don't absolutely NEED. I hope to reach and accomplish all of these goals at some point and I hope that any of you out there who also have goals/resolutions for the new year meet them and are satisfied with them as well :)


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