New Year. New Semester. New Me.

My next semester of college starts in January and I cannot wait. For the new year I won't be making too many resolutions because I'm happy with my life at the moment. The only things I really want to work on in the new year is to get back in shape and start exercising and stuff again. I stopped due to the fact that it stressed me out since I would still worry about how I looked in my clothes and to other people. I stopped caring but it is time to start caring again. For the new year I also want to focus on school. It's not like I wasn't focused on it before but I want to make EXCELLENT grades and even if I don't like the classes I must take in order to apply to the nursing program, I will still pretend I do so that they aren't as miserable. And as always, I want to keep putting money into my savings for school to avoid taking out loans and asking the parentals. Nothing makes me more proud than to brag about how I paid for my school out of my own money instead of borrowing it from somewhere or someone. I'm very proud of how financially independent I have become :)


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