Looking back on 2012

Happy New Years Eve everyone! I'm so excited because I just paid my tuition for my upcoming semester which starts on January 7th. A few good things will be happening in 2013, most of them will occur in January. I start my new semester, turn 21 and it's the beginning of a new year. What's not to like? Since today is the last official day of 2012, I thought I would write about things I remember from the past year. Some memories may not be as good as others but they are still in my head. These memories are in no particular order and I'm typing them as they appear in my mind:

  • I got into 2 accidents. One guy hit my passenger side because he wasn't paying attention due to him talking on his cell phone. The other happened because an idiot decided to run a stop sign right after looking me dead in the face. He even admitted to the police he saw me but kept going! Glad this is in the past. Watch out for other idiot drivers!
  • I volunteered more than ever. I did a fundraiser or charity event almost every month! And I plan to do more in 2013 :)
  • I started community college, and I still love it!!
  • My brother and dad got into a horrible fight and it ended up getting physical. No matter how mad someone gets at another person, family is family and should never act the way they did.
  • I paid for college out of my own pocket. No help from parents, the government or loans.
  • I don't have a child or a husband. Most people I went to school with have both.
  • A boat blew up leaving the marina located behind my job. It was so loud and it shook my office I thought it was an earthquake. Last we heard, the men on the boat survived. 
  • I let go of friendships that were one way (I always had to be the one to contact them to hangout) and got rid of people in my life that only used me when they needed me or I was their last resort
  • I lost 7 pounds and stopped. I still don't know why but I plan to restart in 2013 and not stop this time!
  • I inspired others to choose healthier lifestyles :)
  • I started this blog :)
  • I joined Tumblr, and to this day have NEVER regretted it :)
  • My boyfriend and I got our Pit Bull Boe and he is the best baby ever!
  • I finally got all of my priorities straight
  • My grandma turned 92 :)
  • I'm still a compulsive shopper
  • I've managed my anxiety better than before. Who knew breathing techniques could work so well :)
  • Finally bought a brand new computer, but can't use the internet because no companies have driver software for Windows 8 yet :(
The things I just listed are pretty much  the main things I remember about this whole year. Some people would say I have a plain and boring life but at least I'm happy. I can say that I'm proud of the person I've become and I hope 2013 has good things in store for everyone not just myself. If there are any big changes or habits you want to make or change, do it this year! This is everyones chance to start new and fresh. Let go of grudges, make new friends, get rid of shitty friends, make yourself happy! Have a safe New Years everyone :)


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