Lots Left to do Equals Lots of STRESS!

 I am seriously one of the most stressed out 20 year olds I've ever met. I have a lot of things that need to get done but working ALL the time, especially during the day when this stuff should be done, makes it nearly impossible! I need an oil change and I was going to leave early from work to make it to the shop on time but since my boss has to go to a job and no one will be here to watch the office, I have to go on my lunch break. Going on my lunch break means that I will have to eat on the way and be late coming back due to traffic and the wait time. My passenger window is still broken due to the fact that the part I need is almost vanished completely and no one anywhere has it. I hate looking at the tape on my window and hearing my door rattle since the panel is off. On top of all of this, I still have a heaping mound of Christmas crap in my room that I was hopefully going to sell at my yard sale last weekend, but like usual it rained! I'm trying again this weekend and if the weather doesn't hold up I'm going to throw it all in the street and people can just have it. And finally the last thing on my mind is finishing my Christmas shopping. I'm hoping to get it all done this weekend sometime after the yard sale and on Sunday. It sad that I have joked around and considered hiring a "nanny" type of person to get all of this stuff done for me while I'm at work. I really need to learn to just let go of things and stop letting my anxiety and stress take a toll on me. I know at some point that all of this will be done but it bothers me when it isn't done in a timely matter since I always try to get things done before they need to be or as soon as possible. I just want to scream and cry and let all of my stress out until there is no more for the time being.


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