
Showing posts from January, 2013

April can't get here soon enough!

     When I first started community college, I knew the financial part would be hard. Since all of the money I save gets spent on each semester, there will not be enough for me to pay for the actual nursing program. I'm literally doing everything I can to make a buck to save towards the program. Getting loans scares me because that is one more bill I will have each month. Plus if there is interest I will end up paying way more than the original amount.      In April, I plan on having a huge yard sale to get more money for next semester. My closet is full of all kinds of stuff. Most of the items I have accumulated were free from family members that I knew I could make a profit off of. Craigslist has to be one of the biggest let downs ever because every time I think I finally have something sold, they either never show or never contact me back. It's frustrating wasting my time trying to make money and people stand me up. When you need money and don't have it, it is so

Started Off Strong

 It is almost February and already I'm slacking off on working out. I did great for the first 2 weeks in January and I haven't worked out since then. I think the main issue is that the elliptical is so boring. I want to get a rec center pass but I have no one to go with. If it wasn't pitch black outside by the time I got out of class I would walk around my neighborhood. I know that excuses are lame and don't help in any situation but these excuses are the truth. If I actually had friends that would hit me up to go work out or even just go walk around somewhere and talk it would be easier for me. I have never liked doing things by myself, especially working out.      Sometimes I think I will always be this big. Before you say I can change that, I know I can change it but it is hard. I don't have the time a lot of other people do that get to work out for hours each day. With my work and school schedule and other things in between, there is usually no time for me to d

A Year and Eleven Months Left.

     When I actually sit and think about the classes I have already taken and still have left to take it really isn't that much at all. After the two classes I'm currently taking now are done, I have 6 classes left but 3 of them will be taken by themselves since they are the hardest. What I've also realized about the year and 11 months or so I have left before applying to the nursing program is that I will have to get some type of loan to pay for it. There is no way I will be able to save up $21,0000 in that amount of time. This really bums me out because I want to pay for everything out of pocket as much as possible.      The day I attended open house at the nursing campus, the teacher made it very clear that we should try our hardest not to juggle work with the program since it is so time consuming. My life is going to change drastically when I start this program. I'm so used to working all the time and not depending on others to loan me money. It will be the opposit

Biggest Annoyances

     Different things can bother different people. It doesn't take a lot to bother me. Here is a list of things that annoy me in no particular order: Whistling. If there is music, then it's okay but when people do it just to do it, it gets on my nerves. Nail clippers. The noise of the clippers themselves really annoys me. And I start thinking like what if part of a new flew into my food or in my hair if someone does it near me...EW Cigarettes. They stink and make everything near them stink. It's annoying when I'm outside and someone walking by blows their smoke in my face. My parents unfortunately have a bad smoking habit and I always beg them to stop. One of my biggest annoyances is when I'm blogging, Tumbling or Facebooking and someone or multiple people like to stand right behind me(especially at work) and watch what I'm doing and writing. If I didn't ask you to gawk at my social media sites, please don't.  Sniffling. BLOW YOUR DAM NOSE. There

First Weigh-In of 2013

     Tomorrow will be the first time I step on the scale in 2013. I'm kind of nervous because I don't know what results I will see. I haven't been drinking soda. I have been drinking a lot of water and I have cut back on my senseless snacking. Working out has been okay not great. I think I would like working out more if I had someone to do it with or if I could swim or play volleyball. Maybe I should join a rec volleyball team or something. All I know is that I'm going to try my hardest this year to lose this weight for good. I have no intentions of gaining back once it is gone. For once in my life I want to be happy and feel confident in whatever I wear. I'm so tired of having to be careful about what outfits I wear because they will show my body flaws.      Losing weight is hard. Sticking to your diet (if your on one) and staying away from your old favorite foods that are bad for you is extremely difficult. I refuse to give up pizza and sushi because those ar

Spring 2013 Semester

     This semester I'm taking English 112 (College Comp 2) and Intro to Psychology. Before my semester started I was getting anxious and excited. My first day of these classes was last week and so far I like them for the most part.      My English teacher is kind of all over the place. She will go from talking about one thing to talking about another. She has already given us our syllabus but we can't start most of our papers because she has to give us topics when the time comes. For those of you who have not taken this class yet, this class is the class where you write research papers and long essays ( just a warning). I'm taking this class on Mondays only so it is a good thing that I have the whole week to get my homework/papers done for this class.      Intro to Psychology seems pretty cool. My teacher has already told us she is more of a "hands on" type of person so instead of using our books she would prefer to have class discussions. I don't mind this

Things People Bitch About.

     I would be lying if I said I haven't bitched about anything before. I bitch about going to work and paying bills all the time, yet I am very thankful for my job. Here are some main topics I hear people bitch about or see them write on Facebook: My wallet/purse/clutch/ipod/other personal items got stolen from my car: Here's a thought, don't leave them in your vehicle or any other place where a thief can help themselves to it. Common sense would tell you to either A) Take the item(s) with you or B) Hide them in your vehicle where NO ONE can see them. DUH. I can't sleep: How about getting off of Facebook and not write statuses about not being able to sleep. You really logged in to your account just to say that? Try shutting your eyes and laying there for a while without your phone in your hand. I'm so hungover, I'm never drinking again: False. You know when your friends hit you up to go out you're going with them and your going to get trashed again. A

Wishing, Hoping, Planning

     People that have the opportunity to go to school full time and not the opposite have no idea how lucky they are. My new semester started this past Monday and I have already met a few people who only have school as their responsibility. It would be so nice to take classes all day for 4 days a week and just go home every night to study and do homework. For those of you that don't know, I work full time and go to school part time. I also take care of my 92 year old grandma and take my boyfriend everywhere since he still doesn't have his license (I know, don't even get me started). I wish that all I had to do was go to school and not have so many people being dependent on me all the time to do things. I understand that I'm older now, but it would be nice to put myself first for once.     The job I have now is great. It's good money, a nice environment and I have PLENTY of time to do homework. But eventually when I'm accepted into the nursing program, I know th

Turning 21 in 21 Days!

     Time flies. That is all I can say. I am very proud of how far I've come and who I've become in my short 21 years of life. Most people who turn 21 want to have a huge party and get trashed with their friends. Since I have no friends, I haven't really decided on what I want to do. I need a pedicure so I may get one of those. Getting my belly button pierced is what I've always wanted as well so I may do that (if I have the guts). My mom wants to take me to dinner so that is most likely the only thing that is set in stone. I do however, want to go to the ABC store and buy a bottle and get carded. I'm told by people all the time that I look really young so hopefully that is still true :) My hair stylist will also be putting peek a boo strips of black and purple in my hair the weekend of my birthday. That is really all I have to look forward to besides college. My life is pretty reckless huh....NOT.

Excited for Monday

     I am finally starting my next semester on Monday! I'm so excited because the class I took at the beginning of the this fall semester was only a month and half long due to the fact is was just a refresher math course, but it was mandatory to take in order to apply to the nursing program. It has been too long. I thought about taking another course along with that math course but I didn't and now I'm regretting it. It was nice having time off from school but work has been really slow so I have had nothing to do! Finally I will have something to do like studying or homework again. It's weird that I like going to community college because before I applied, some people told me it was just like high school, which I hated and that made me nervous. Surprisingly, I do not think it is like high school at all and here is why. For starters I'm not arguing with stuck up bitches like I did in high school. Another thing is the classes. We go in, sit down, learn what we want an