First Weigh-In of 2013

     Tomorrow will be the first time I step on the scale in 2013. I'm kind of nervous because I don't know what results I will see. I haven't been drinking soda. I have been drinking a lot of water and I have cut back on my senseless snacking. Working out has been okay not great. I think I would like working out more if I had someone to do it with or if I could swim or play volleyball. Maybe I should join a rec volleyball team or something. All I know is that I'm going to try my hardest this year to lose this weight for good. I have no intentions of gaining back once it is gone. For once in my life I want to be happy and feel confident in whatever I wear. I'm so tired of having to be careful about what outfits I wear because they will show my body flaws.
     Losing weight is hard. Sticking to your diet (if your on one) and staying away from your old favorite foods that are bad for you is extremely difficult. I refuse to give up pizza and sushi because those are my two favorites.I don't have them all the time. I try to only have sushi once a week or every two weeks. I will only eat pizza when someone else orders it or if it is for dinner. That is hard because if I stop at 7 eleven or somewhere that sells it by the slice, I have to hurry and get out before I am tempted to buy some.
     Hopefully tomorrow morning when I weigh in I will see positive results. I will be crushed if I have gained, but then again, I still have months to get it together so that my body will look better for summer. I think I might buy a rec center pass just so I can use their pool after work and on days I don't have class. It would be nice if I could find someone to go with because I worry about crazy people now days. Have a great Thursday guys :)


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