Excited for Monday

     I am finally starting my next semester on Monday! I'm so excited because the class I took at the beginning of the this fall semester was only a month and half long due to the fact is was just a refresher math course, but it was mandatory to take in order to apply to the nursing program. It has been too long. I thought about taking another course along with that math course but I didn't and now I'm regretting it. It was nice having time off from school but work has been really slow so I have had nothing to do! Finally I will have something to do like studying or homework again. It's weird that I like going to community college because before I applied, some people told me it was just like high school, which I hated and that made me nervous. Surprisingly, I do not think it is like high school at all and here is why. For starters I'm not arguing with stuck up bitches like I did in high school. Another thing is the classes. We go in, sit down, learn what we want and leave. In high school people would constantly be talking or disrupting the class it got annoying and it turned me into a bitch. The classes I'm taking are going towards my career. Not like in high school where you have to have certain classes just to make enough credits or whatever. I'm glad I get to pick and choose my classes and class times. It works well with my life and work schedule. So for me, no community college is not like high school at all. With all of this said, I will be busy with school until the summer of 2014 because that is how I planned my pre-req classes out to be. Hopefully I don't lose my job or anything because that will ruin my plan. For once I'm ahead of the game and have my schedule all figured out. 2013 is off to a good start for me and I hope it continues to stay this way. As long as I keep my priorities in check, I think I will be just fine :)


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