Things People Bitch About.

     I would be lying if I said I haven't bitched about anything before. I bitch about going to work and paying bills all the time, yet I am very thankful for my job. Here are some main topics I hear people bitch about or see them write on Facebook:

  • My wallet/purse/clutch/ipod/other personal items got stolen from my car: Here's a thought, don't leave them in your vehicle or any other place where a thief can help themselves to it. Common sense would tell you to either A) Take the item(s) with you or B) Hide them in your vehicle where NO ONE can see them. DUH.
  • I can't sleep: How about getting off of Facebook and not write statuses about not being able to sleep. You really logged in to your account just to say that? Try shutting your eyes and laying there for a while without your phone in your hand.
  • I'm so hungover, I'm never drinking again: False. You know when your friends hit you up to go out you're going with them and your going to get trashed again. And as usual the next day you will complain about still being hungover. How about setting a limit? If you know you have work,school or other commitments the next day, why drink until you throw up on yourself and can't get out of bed in the morning? DUH
  • I have so much homework: It's school. Did you expect flowers and cupcakes? You go to school to learn. Homework shows what you have learned and what else you can potentially learn about a topic. If you don't like, leave.
  • I can't believe my ex cheated again after I just gave them a 3rd, 4th or 5th chance: If it didn't work the first time, what makes you think he/she has changed the other 50 times?
  • I'm so tired of being broke: Get a job. No one is going to come to your door and hand you money to live on or hand you a job. You have to get out in the real world and apply for them.
  • Just bought a $100 pair of shoes. Can someone lend me money for my phone bill?: Really? Look at your feet. There is your phone bill right there. Enjoy. Get your priorities together.
  • I can't stand bitches that run their mouth about me behind my back. You know who you are: You have no balls to tag them in your post or do you know that they will beat your ass if you do? Talk to them in person. Fighting on a social media site does NOTHING. Squash the beef in person like grown ups, not like your in middle school.
  • I'm so sick, my kids are sick, my whole household is sick: Stop posting statuses about it and rest. Take medicine and sleep. Don't worry about telling the world what plague you have this week. Just stay away from people until you're better.
     These are the main things I see or hear people bitch about. I just have one question. Did it solve the problem? My guess is no because bitching does nothing for anyone. The main reason I stay off of Facebook is because of the bitching. I could go on with the little things I hear or see but it would takes days to write them and I have homework to do. For those of you who don't know me, the responses I typed to these things people bitch about are the responses I say in person to people. Yes I'm sarcastic. Call me a bitch. I do not care. Have a great Thursday :)


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