Biggest Annoyances

     Different things can bother different people. It doesn't take a lot to bother me. Here is a list of things that annoy me in no particular order:

  • Whistling. If there is music, then it's okay but when people do it just to do it, it gets on my nerves.
  • Nail clippers. The noise of the clippers themselves really annoys me. And I start thinking like what if part of a new flew into my food or in my hair if someone does it near me...EW
  • Cigarettes. They stink and make everything near them stink. It's annoying when I'm outside and someone walking by blows their smoke in my face. My parents unfortunately have a bad smoking habit and I always beg them to stop.
  • One of my biggest annoyances is when I'm blogging, Tumbling or Facebooking and someone or multiple people like to stand right behind me(especially at work) and watch what I'm doing and writing. If I didn't ask you to gawk at my social media sites, please don't. 
  • Sniffling. BLOW YOUR DAM NOSE. There is almost nothing more annoying than sitting in silence or in class somewhere hearing someone constantly sniffle. Blow your nose to solve this.
  • People that sneeze everywhere. They don't cover their mouth with anything they just let their sneeze explode everywhere.GROSS
  • People that cannot drive, especially due to texting or talking on a phone. I have bad road rage and nothing angers me more than to see someone going 20 mph under the speed limit due to a cell phone or other distraction. PAY ATTENTION TO THE ROAD.
  • Going to Walmart or Kmart and the person in front of me has more then 12 items in the express lane. I'm not talking like 20 items, I mean their cart is full of groceries. Thanks for delaying my small purchase of chocolate and tampons for your huge ass purchase to feed your bratty kids. READ THE SIGN MORON.
  • People that try to prove me wrong when I know I'm right.
  • People who think they are smarter than me....I'm always 2 steps ahead of the game.
  • People who bitch and complain or tell the world EVERYTHING on Facebook.  
  • When people do not use correct grammar, especially with the their, there, they're words...UGH
     I'm sure there are more things that annoy me but I can't think of them off the top of my head right now. I'm hoping someone else feels the same way about at least one of these annoyances. 


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