April can't get here soon enough!

     When I first started community college, I knew the financial part would be hard. Since all of the money I save gets spent on each semester, there will not be enough for me to pay for the actual nursing program. I'm literally doing everything I can to make a buck to save towards the program. Getting loans scares me because that is one more bill I will have each month. Plus if there is interest I will end up paying way more than the original amount.
     In April, I plan on having a huge yard sale to get more money for next semester. My closet is full of all kinds of stuff. Most of the items I have accumulated were free from family members that I knew I could make a profit off of. Craigslist has to be one of the biggest let downs ever because every time I think I finally have something sold, they either never show or never contact me back. It's frustrating wasting my time trying to make money and people stand me up. When you need money and don't have it, it is so frustrating.
     When I do yard sales I do focus on the money aspect but I also accept almost any offer on an item because that is one less thing I will have to take back into the house. I also always donate what's left over. Yard sales are like a job. You have to get up early and try to make money and use salesman skills. I run this blog mainly because I like writing but also to earn some extra cash for school too. My YouTube channel doesn't bring in much money either but hey, at least I'm trying.
     For those of you who actually read and/or follow my posts on this blog, you know by now that my college education and career is very important to me.  I'm trying my best to be dependent on myself and make sure that no one else will have to give me the finances I need for school. I want to say thank you to all of you who have actually helped me earn the money I have so far from my blog. I really appreciate it. I wish money grew on trees so that those who need it most could always have it.


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