A Year and Eleven Months Left.

     When I actually sit and think about the classes I have already taken and still have left to take it really isn't that much at all. After the two classes I'm currently taking now are done, I have 6 classes left but 3 of them will be taken by themselves since they are the hardest. What I've also realized about the year and 11 months or so I have left before applying to the nursing program is that I will have to get some type of loan to pay for it. There is no way I will be able to save up $21,0000 in that amount of time. This really bums me out because I want to pay for everything out of pocket as much as possible.
     The day I attended open house at the nursing campus, the teacher made it very clear that we should try our hardest not to juggle work with the program since it is so time consuming. My life is going to change drastically when I start this program. I'm so used to working all the time and not depending on others to loan me money. It will be the opposite once I start. I'm kind of looking forward to this big change though. I haven't focused on just school since I was in high school which was 3 years ago. It will definitely be very different going to class in the mornings instead of work. I think I will still try and get a part time job to at least have gas money. My car can't run on water. I guess it will all depend on how my clinicals and stuff play out.
     The one thing I'm definitely looking forward to is the hands on part. Whenever I see videos showing what you do in nursing school or read what it's like, I get so excited. After the pre-req classes I will have taken for 4 years, I will absolutely be ready for hands on experience. I plan on studying very hard and just keeping a positive attitude. I hope everything turns out the way I hope it will; Meaning that once I start the nursing program I will be able to still be somewhat financially independent and I hope I like it. Some people change their minds after being accepted which I'm hoping won't be the case for me. I pretty much have 2 years to get as much money saved, good grades, and the shenanigans out of my system.


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