Spring 2013 Semester

     This semester I'm taking English 112 (College Comp 2) and Intro to Psychology. Before my semester started I was getting anxious and excited. My first day of these classes was last week and so far I like them for the most part.
     My English teacher is kind of all over the place. She will go from talking about one thing to talking about another. She has already given us our syllabus but we can't start most of our papers because she has to give us topics when the time comes. For those of you who have not taken this class yet, this class is the class where you write research papers and long essays ( just a warning). I'm taking this class on Mondays only so it is a good thing that I have the whole week to get my homework/papers done for this class.
     Intro to Psychology seems pretty cool. My teacher has already told us she is more of a "hands on" type of person so instead of using our books she would prefer to have class discussions. I don't mind this because that is less note-taking and writing for me but I did spend nearly $200 on the textbook for this class so now I'm out of that money. She is also kind of young so she understands that most of the people in her class that majoring in certain fields (like healthcare) have to have this class so she wants everyone to make an A.
    All in all, I think my classes this semester will be pretty fun and easy. I believe blogging has helped me become a better writer and as far as Psychology goes, we pretty much just have to let her know our opinions and how we feel about certain issues so that is simple. The good thing about taking these 2 classes means that I only have 5 more pre-reqs to take before I apply to the nursing program! I seriously cannot wait.


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