Turning 21 in 21 Days!

     Time flies. That is all I can say. I am very proud of how far I've come and who I've become in my short 21 years of life. Most people who turn 21 want to have a huge party and get trashed with their friends. Since I have no friends, I haven't really decided on what I want to do. I need a pedicure so I may get one of those. Getting my belly button pierced is what I've always wanted as well so I may do that (if I have the guts). My mom wants to take me to dinner so that is most likely the only thing that is set in stone. I do however, want to go to the ABC store and buy a bottle and get carded. I'm told by people all the time that I look really young so hopefully that is still true :) My hair stylist will also be putting peek a boo strips of black and purple in my hair the weekend of my birthday. That is really all I have to look forward to besides college. My life is pretty reckless huh....NOT.


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