Hello Keppra

     Today I went to my follow up appointment at my neurologist. My MRI and EEG came back normal. I have no bleeding, lesions, masses, or tumors. He also said my brain waves were normal and that no epileptic activity was recorded. The only bad news out of this visit was that I still have to wait 4 more months before I can be cleared to drive again and that if I was not medicated, then of course I will have recurrent seizures throughout my life whether it be tomorrow, next month, or next year. So he prescribed Keppra. It is a common drug for epileptics and he said it is the most popular. Another good thing about this drug is that it will also help with my anxiety he said since I have become increasingly anxious since my last episode. So all in all, the visit was not as bad as I thought since I always think of the worst. I guess I can call myself a "partial" epileptic since my episodes are so spaced out. Have a great weekend.


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