I Joined the Planet!

     Today was a very productive day. I mailed my boyfriends care package and Valentines Day card and then later I went with my Aunt to sign up at Planet Fitness! I was so excited to sign up. I have never really been a gym member before. I had a card for the rec center but I used that primarily for swimming, not working out. We paid $39 down and it will be $10 a month from here on out. We received a t-shirt, sticker, and pen. We also got a schedule for the personal trainer they offer (for free) 5 days a week. WE both walked briskly on the treadmill for 30 minutes then we walked on the stair climber for 10. This is a good start for me since I want to lose about 5 more pounds and be in shape before my boyfriend comes home from deployment in June. My Aunts motivation is her kids. Her son graduates law school in May and she is flying there to see him walk across the stage. His sister will also be there and they have no idea she wants to shed some pounds and get in better, healthier shape. I'm glad I can be apart of her weight loss journey because I've been there and I'm still doing it. It is very hard to lose the weight, change your eating and thinking habits, and hit the gym all while maintaining the normal life routine of working and for some going to school as well. Putting the weight on is easy and taking it off is very difficult. It takes a lot of will power, discipline, and self control. But if you put your mind to something you want, eventually, you will get it. I'm proud of the how much I've lost and how well I manage my eating habits. I can't wait to motivate my Aunt and help her make a positive change in her life.


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