Work Hard, Never Give Up

     Life is always going to throw curve balls, sometimes when we least expect it. The one thing I have learned after facing all of the challenges I've been through in just 24 years of life is to never give up. The curve balls life has thrown at me throughout the years is the main reason I strive to be independent and work hard. No matter what goals I set for myself, I work hard to make those around me proud and especially myself. Some months, I don't even know how I'm going to put gas in my car or pay my car note. Amazingly it all works out some how and it falls into place. I keep telling myself I'm doing what I can. I'm going to school to better myself, have an amazing career, and help those in need. I love school. I love being a CNA. I love depending on myself to pay my bills and put food in my gut. Once I'm a nurse and I actually make a decent wage per hour, most of my financial stress will go away. We all have those days when we want to quit, give up, or thrown in the white towel. But it is those times when we need to reflect on why we chose to go to college for a certain degree or work in a certain career field. Life is not easy. There is no manual. Most of the time life is great and sometimes life just flat out sucks. Through all of the bad, you need to keep pushing. You need to accomplish those goals you set for yourself so you can say "I did it". Remember that the situation you're in is only temporary. It will get better. You just have to continue working hard and never giving up on what you started.


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