Today was One of Those Days

     Mondays suck. I have never liked them like most people. I always refer to them as "Manic Monday" because 99% of the time, they are. We started our new clinical rotation today and that really made me question if I want to continue this nursing school boot camp. We pretty much do everything a CNA does and I would know because I am one. I decided to go to nursing school to do more but it seems like anytime we have a rotation, I feel like I'm at work. We don't pass medications, do treatments, or anything accept bed baths, brief changes, and transfers. Aside from complaining about that, I also decided I am tired of this "full time student" struggle. I hate eating Ramen and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches most nights. I want to be able to buy real food. I want to buy the healthy foods I love like salad mix, fresh fruits, and vegetables. It sucks when you want to eat healthy food but can't afford it so you eat whatever is lurking in your cabinets or pantry.
     I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day. Most likely it won't because we have our first cardiac test and I already have an 80 in this class due to the quizzes she gives every day. So if I bomb this test, I'm screwed. I try my hardest not to stress about finances but that is all I think about. It sucks. I wish I could gear all of this frustration towards my school work, but I can't. I just get distracted and wish I still worked two full time jobs so that I wouldn't have to worry about my bills getting paid. Goodnight Y'all.


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