
Showing posts from March, 2016

In the Way

     My boss just called and asked if I could work Thursday and I accepted it since I need the money. After I hung up I checked my school schedule and saw that my Kaplan reschedule for the nutrition test is Thursday at 10 a.m. This really sucks because I needed the money but school comes first now. I don't want to seem unreliable or anything. I simply forgot, that's all. I really want to pass this Kaplan so that I have none hanging over my head. The most frustrating part about school is that it gets in the way of me working. I have debated switching back to night school so I can work all day, but I like being able to focus on school. Plus I am used to working with a TIGHT budget now and when my boyfriend comes home from deployment, I want to be able to spend as much time with him as possible. 141 days left of this madness....

Things I Want

     I'm a pretty simple person. The smallest things in life make me happy like nature, puppies, and donuts. But today at work, I got very frustrated with my phone because it is getting kind of slow and the USB port to charge it doesn't work so I have to use rechargeable wall batteries. That made me start thinking of things I wanted. It made me start thinking of things I would by myself if I actually had money left over from paychecks and could buy myself something. I know at some point in my life I will actually know what it is like to spoil myself but until then, I will keep this "I want" list in mind: A new phone. I love my Samsung S3 so I will probably get the newest edition of it when time and money allows Vera Bradley bags and a wallet A Victorias Secret bathing suit and some new underwear and bras New jeans that fit since I've lost so much weight A new hair straightner A flat screen for my living room (yes I currently have a big ole box boob tube) A

20 Weeks Left!

     Today I passed the cardiac mod! It was the hardest mod I have encountered during this whole nursing program but that is understandable because the heart is a VERY important and vital organ. Along with learning about CHF (congestive heart failure), arrhythmias, dysrythmias, and how to place EKG leads and read the strips, we also learned about IV therapy. IV therapy consists of learning how to set up an IV, change the tubing, and discontinue. We also learned how to spike bags and start antibiotic drips. The end of the mod consisted of learning about blood disorders, the main one being the different types of anemias. I could write a book about what I learned this mod, but I figured it would be easier to just share my vlog. Yes this video is long, it is longer than most of my vlogs, but I tried to give a lot of information to help fellow students or people that are just curious :)

Graduation Plans

     With 20 weeks left of school (hopefully I pass my final tomorrow), I have been making a mental list of things I want to do once I graduate. That list includes: Taking a week off from EVERYTHING. No work, stress, bills, or job searching. My mind needs to take a break. Study for the NLCEX and hopefully pass on the first try! Once my mental break is over and I pass the NLCEX, I will start applying for every entry level LPN job I come across. I will work full time again as a CNA until I land a job as an LPN.  Start paying off my debt immediatley Save money. I don't know what I will be saving for but it can be for a new truck, a safety net, or just emergency funds. It really made me sad that I closed my savings account last month because I literally only has $0.10. It would be nice to know I have a backup if I need it.       Even though that list isn't very big, it gives me something to look forward to. The main thing is graduating. I cannot wait to be done with LPN sc

Deployment To-Do List

     As I sit here writing my concept map that is due tomorrow at clinical. I can't stop thinking about the things I wanted to get done around my house before my boyfriend comes home from deployment. He isn't coming home yet but I know it will come sooner than I think. Money is tight due to me only working every other weekend, and picking up weekend days when they need me. Some things on my list might not seem "expensive" to some people, but to a broke student, they are. I wanted to buy a new front door and storm door since mine is old and beat up. It is also dirty and really old. It needs to be upgraded. I also wanted new deck furniture with cushions, new pillows for our bed, and a new comforter with some new sheets and pillow shams. The main thing I am trying to save for is a gift card to Tractor Supply Co. for him to buy a new pair of cowboy boots. He deserves them. He takes great care of me and his current ones are all beat up and worn. I still have some time but

Stay Gold!

Our feature of the week is our Stay Gold hydrating face mask made from honey and lemon essential oils. Calm, soothe, and hydrate today!  Buy yours here

From Independent to Dependent

     I have been working and paying bills since I was 15. I've never been scared to get my hands dirty and work hard for the things I want. When I met my current boyfriend I was working two full time jobs. When I applied to nursing school and got accepted quicker than expected, all of that changed. I tried continuing to work both jobs and go to school at night but that reflected in my grades and GPA. When my boyfriend offered to pay rent and help me financially I initially hated the idea because I had been financially dependent on myself for so long. I was used to paying all of my bills and pinching every penny to make my ends meet. I got accustomed to doing everything for myself and depending on no one to help me. Financial stress has always been my stressor. Even when I worked both full time jobs there would still be times when I didn't think I'd be able to eat that month or pay my power bill, but somehow I made it happen. When my boyfriend started paying my rent, mowing

Cackle Spackle Detox

     Tonight I tried the Cackle Spackle Detox Face Mask on my blackhead troubled areas. First off let me say that the spearmint smells amazing and you can feel it going to work pulling out the toxins and other bad junk from your skin. I left it on for 10 minutes and then rinsed it off in the shower. I applied my facial moisturizer after I was done rinsing it off. I didn't experience any redness or burning. My face feels soft and smooth. I plan on using this mask again on Friday after the gym. Purchase your Cackle Spackle here.

No Nap for Me

     Nursing school isn't hard. What's hard is trying to balance a social life, school work, clinical, sleep, and work all at one time. In between that time, some people like to go to the gym, shop, run, and hike. I am very tired so I like to try and take naps after clinical or a long lecture. Each time, it is ruined by something. Loud music from people driving by, people hitting the pot holes, the neighbors kids being loud and obnoxious, phone calls, texts, Facebook notifications, and lastly, loud ass jets since I live near a base. Every day it happens. I will have a quite ride home and it will be quite while I'm doing laundry or cleaning. As soon as my head hits my pillows, it's a wrap. I'm tired of having to wake up at different times to go to school, clinical or work. I'm tired of studying for days before tests and trying to remember key things for the tests. You know what else I'm tired of? Kaplan questions, Saunders questions, unpaid clinical, people w

Rubby Scrubby!

Our feature of the week is our Rubby Scrubby foot soap stick. Exfoliate your tired, hard working feet with peppermint and thyme essential oils. Our products are made in the USA and they are never tested on animals. Treat your feet today!

I Refuse to Sink

     Cardiac is by far the hardest class in nursing school. We have to learn the anatomy and physiology of the heart, the terminology, how to read EKG strips, IV therapy, diseases of the blood, and all kinds of other things. We are pretty much at mid term and I am sitting at a 76. We have to have an 80 to pass. I took a break from school one time due to failing and if I fail this class and have to sit out until a new class starts, I just might not go back. It is draining. I sit in class and work at clinical (for free) all week when I could get paid at my job and start paying off my bills. I love nursing school and I'm trying but this is hard. I really don't think I will want to redo this mod and re-learn it all and have to take the quizzes and tests again. I am one of the more fortunate people though. Some people in my class have even lower grades than I do. Once you reach a grade below a 75, 70 is pushing it, it is VERY difficult to make a comeback and at least pass by the ski

Be Your Own Boss!

     Joining Perfectly Posh has been the most positive experience ever! I'm so glad to be able to pamper people with amazing skin care, hair care, and lip care products made from naturally based ingredients from the comfort of my own home! I own my own Posh business and that makes me feel proud. Buying a kit is completely worth the money because you get all of the essentials to start your business including a FREE website. Also in your kit, you will receive Posh Papers (our catalogs), lacons for your samples to go in, bath bar chunk samples, and more! Payday is every Wednesday. Our products are made in the USA, never tested on animals, shipping is a flat fee of $5, and every product is $25 or under. For $99 you get over $250 worth of products to give samples to potential clientele. There are two kits to choose from and the choice is completely up to you. Above are pictures of the two kits we are offering this month.  We are always recruiting awesome consultants so come join the