Deployment To-Do List

     As I sit here writing my concept map that is due tomorrow at clinical. I can't stop thinking about the things I wanted to get done around my house before my boyfriend comes home from deployment. He isn't coming home yet but I know it will come sooner than I think. Money is tight due to me only working every other weekend, and picking up weekend days when they need me. Some things on my list might not seem "expensive" to some people, but to a broke student, they are. I wanted to buy a new front door and storm door since mine is old and beat up. It is also dirty and really old. It needs to be upgraded. I also wanted new deck furniture with cushions, new pillows for our bed, and a new comforter with some new sheets and pillow shams. The main thing I am trying to save for is a gift card to Tractor Supply Co. for him to buy a new pair of cowboy boots. He deserves them. He takes great care of me and his current ones are all beat up and worn. I still have some time but I'm trying to focus on paying some of my hospital bills off. Selling for Posh is going better than I thought but it isn't enough to help me buy the things on my "deployment to do" list. I just have to keep pushing forward and pinching pennies to try and make some of this list a reality.


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