No Nap for Me

     Nursing school isn't hard. What's hard is trying to balance a social life, school work, clinical, sleep, and work all at one time. In between that time, some people like to go to the gym, shop, run, and hike. I am very tired so I like to try and take naps after clinical or a long lecture. Each time, it is ruined by something. Loud music from people driving by, people hitting the pot holes, the neighbors kids being loud and obnoxious, phone calls, texts, Facebook notifications, and lastly, loud ass jets since I live near a base. Every day it happens. I will have a quite ride home and it will be quite while I'm doing laundry or cleaning. As soon as my head hits my pillows, it's a wrap. I'm tired of having to wake up at different times to go to school, clinical or work. I'm tired of studying for days before tests and trying to remember key things for the tests. You know what else I'm tired of? Kaplan questions, Saunders questions, unpaid clinical, people with attitudes, no sleep, working hard to pass and barely making it. There are so many more things I'm tired of, but this blog entry would turn into a book. All I'm saying is that for one day, I would like enough quit time to take an amazing, refreshing nap. So with all of this complaining, I will DEFINITELY be taking a week or two off once I'm done with school. And in that week or two, my phone will be off, I will not use social media, I will not think nurse stuff. I will relax, recuperate, and begin my reboot for my new career.


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