Things I Want

     I'm a pretty simple person. The smallest things in life make me happy like nature, puppies, and donuts. But today at work, I got very frustrated with my phone because it is getting kind of slow and the USB port to charge it doesn't work so I have to use rechargeable wall batteries. That made me start thinking of things I wanted. It made me start thinking of things I would by myself if I actually had money left over from paychecks and could buy myself something. I know at some point in my life I will actually know what it is like to spoil myself but until then, I will keep this "I want" list in mind:
  • A new phone. I love my Samsung S3 so I will probably get the newest edition of it when time and money allows
  • Vera Bradley bags and a wallet
  • A Victorias Secret bathing suit and some new underwear and bras
  • New jeans that fit since I've lost so much weight
  • A new hair straightner
  • A flat screen for my living room (yes I currently have a big ole box boob tube)
  • A pedicure (I like painting my own fingernails)
  • New living room furniture
  • Real diamond earrings, not ones from 5 below and Calire's
  • A new desk that is bigger so that I can actually have a desktop on it with room to do to homework too


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