Graduation Plans

     With 20 weeks left of school (hopefully I pass my final tomorrow), I have been making a mental list of things I want to do once I graduate. That list includes:
  1. Taking a week off from EVERYTHING. No work, stress, bills, or job searching. My mind needs to take a break.
  2. Study for the NLCEX and hopefully pass on the first try!
  3. Once my mental break is over and I pass the NLCEX, I will start applying for every entry level LPN job I come across.
  4. I will work full time again as a CNA until I land a job as an LPN. 
  5. Start paying off my debt immediatley
  6. Save money. I don't know what I will be saving for but it can be for a new truck, a safety net, or just emergency funds. It really made me sad that I closed my savings account last month because I literally only has $0.10. It would be nice to know I have a backup if I need it. 
     Even though that list isn't very big, it gives me something to look forward to. The main thing is graduating. I cannot wait to be done with LPN school. I want a steady schedule that involves getting up at the same time and going to one place. I'm over my current schedule of going to class, clinical, work, and getting tests and stuff done in between for school as well. 146 days and counting!


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