In the Way

     My boss just called and asked if I could work Thursday and I accepted it since I need the money. After I hung up I checked my school schedule and saw that my Kaplan reschedule for the nutrition test is Thursday at 10 a.m. This really sucks because I needed the money but school comes first now. I don't want to seem unreliable or anything. I simply forgot, that's all. I really want to pass this Kaplan so that I have none hanging over my head. The most frustrating part about school is that it gets in the way of me working. I have debated switching back to night school so I can work all day, but I like being able to focus on school. Plus I am used to working with a TIGHT budget now and when my boyfriend comes home from deployment, I want to be able to spend as much time with him as possible. 141 days left of this madness....


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