
Showing posts from May, 2012

My thoughts on the mayor of New York banning large sodas......

I completely agree with it. Soda is nothing but sugar water with a bunch of other artificial crap inside of it. Having a small soda here and there is acceptable but there is honestly no need for someone to be able to fill a gallon cup up with soda at a 7-11. I am overweight but I'm changing. I understand now that soda is not good for you at all and I do believe it helps aid in creating obesity, diabetes and other health problems associated with being overweight. This is a step in the right direction. If people started living healthier and losing weight, maybe people that receive benefits that don't need them just because they are overweight can be taken away and given to someone who actually needs them. It angers me that people use the "I'm overweight" excuse. Instead of riding in a motorized scooter at Walmart, WALK. Let the little 90 year old lady with brittle bones use the scooter. America has let the junk food, fast food and unhealthy foods situation get way t

My Locks of Love experience...

So last Friday when I went into the hair salon to get my haircut for Locks of Love, I got nervous. Not because of cutting my hair, but where I was cutting it. For 20 years my mom has been the only person cutting my hair since she is a licensed cosmetologist. I've never been to a salon for anything! But the experience was so awesome and I felt great for donating my hair to a great cause. I ended up donating 2 ponytails that were 12 inches long. I definitely plan on growing my hair out and donating it again. It makes me feel like such a good person and everyone thinks my new haircut is too cute! The next time though, I want to donate 14 inches or more. It will be kinda hard, but the more hair I donate the better.

Today is the big day!

After work today, I will officially be cutting my hair off for Locks of Love! I am so excited because I haven't had a hair cut in forever, plus it is starting to get hot outside so I need shorter hair. This cause is such an easy way to give back to people who aren't fortunate to have hair. I will donate my hair until I cannot do so any longer, which hopefully will be for a very long time! I'm going to post a video to my YouTube channel when I get it cut and stuff so stay tuned!

Elimination time

In order to help me completely delete fast food from my life, I have "un-friended" or "un-liked" every fast food chain from my Facebook page. Keeping them on there wouldn't have helped because they offer coupons and remind of you of buy 2 get 1 free or 2 for $2 sales. I'm glad I deleted them and I recommend others trying to eliminate it to do so as well. I don't even think about fast food anymore unless someone mentions it. Since the beginning of the year, I have to say that as far as I have come, I'm very proud of myself. I've finally realized that losing weight for me will take baby steps and some time, but I have already completed the biggest step which was quitting fast food and soda completely. I feel better about myself and I hope to work out more than I do now. Summer is right around the corner and I am no where near my goal. I just wish some things were easier.

Depressed,Disappointed and Angry.

I'm still fat. I know I shouldn't be expecting super results because I'm not working out as much as I would like to or should be, but I also didn't expect to still weigh the same after changing my eating habits completely. I'm depressed because I look on Tumblr at these really pretty skinny girls and in my head I know I could have a body that looked awesome. I have no self confidence at all and I feel like curling up in a ball, into a black hole to cry and yell. I'm disappointed because I expected more out of myself. I told myself that I would work out at least 3 nights a week and I haven't been doing it. I'm angry at myself because I know I can do it. I know I could be a size 7 or 9 because that is what I want. Anything I want to achieve is possible with the right amount of will power. I'm also angry because when I look in the mirror I still see a fat girl who eats her feelings and still has jiggly thighs and a muffin top. I want this so bad and it

10 days. Let the final countdown begin!

May 26th is 10 days away and I can't tell you guys how excited I am to cut my hair off for some beautiful bald people! I really need a change and Locks of Love is such a great cause for great people battling a horrible disease. Please encourage anyone you know with long natural hair to donate it to Locks of Love, Wigs for Kids or Pantene Beautiful Lengths. Helping those in your community and around the world is the best thing you could ever do! I will be making a video of the pony tail cut and my new do so be ready!

Desk Job Workouts/Stretches

Since I work all day at a desk, sitting gets boring VERY quickly. Since I am on a eat healthy/lose some weight kick, I thought I would share with you some workouts/stretches that I do when the office is dead. First thing is wall sits. I try to hold it for at least a minute, take a quick break and do it again. After that, I do lunges. 15 reps on each leg.Squats will work too. If I get super bored I will pace around the office or clean.As far as stretches go, I will do things like reach for the floor or ceiling, pull my foot behind my back, and do side stretches reaching for the wall.  Burning some calories is better than burning none. I feel a lot better after doing this too. I only recommend you do things like this if you don't have a lot of people around or if you don't care who sees that is cool too. As for me, boaters might think I'm weird if they walk in to check in and I'm doing squats or wall sits.

I have to do what I think is right....

I've recently been debating whether or not to attend the CNA program at my community college. If I become a CNA, then my foot will be in the medical field door and I could always work as one while saving up and finishing my other prerequisites for Sentara. Financial Aid doesn't cover this program because it is a small amount of credits, So I would have to pay out of pocket. I think I have decided that I will do it after the summer semester ends. The job where I am at now is good, I get good money and the environment is nice because it is on the water. But there is no room for advancement and my pay will never be raised. Working as a CNA will help me develop skills I will need and use as a RN. I have had the same work pattern since I graduated from high school in 2010. I get up Monday through Friday at 6:30 to get ready for work. I work all day from 8-4. I am ready for a change. Hopefully I can find a job as a CNA after I'm certified that will work with me while I still atte

Women who inspire me.

There are some women in Hollywood that have helped mold me into who I am and there is one who is near and dear to my heart. The first person I will start off with is Lady Gaga. She is weird, likes to wear meat dresses, and has crazy hair dos all the time.She also has a great voice. She has taught me that there is nothing wrong with being me. Acting as yourself no matter who you are around is how it always should be. Lady Gagas song "Born This Way" is possibly the best song I've ever heard because it is so true. The next lady I look up to is Nicki Minaj. I will be honest. At first I thought she was really weird and wore the clothes and wigs for attention. But then I realized she is really just one bad bitch. She taught me that demanding respect from other people is perfectly okay and you get the type of respect you give. She has multiple personalities that has helped her career sky rocket. Her lyrics are about real life situations (most of the time) and I like the fact tha

Eat This Not That 2012

 This book is awesome, especially for anyone who wants to stop eating fast food or keepfast food incorporated in their diet. (Warning: I say "Um" a lot, it has always been a bad habit of mine but I'm workin on it!) Eat This not That 2012

Registered Nursing

For a 20 year old, I must say that I am VERY mature, sometimes too mature. I pay most of my bills by myself and I am very independent. Rarely ever do I rely on someone. I really want to make good grades at community college and transfer to Sentara College of Health Sciences for their Traditional BSN program so that I can become an RN. Reaching this goal is very important to me. I want to be successful so that eventually, when I have a family of my own, we can be financially stable. I don't want to become a registered nurse for the paycheck. Yes, the pay and job outlook look great for this career field, but I am mainly doing it because I LOVE helping people. I love volunteering and raising money for charities. Registered nursing will give me the opportunity to help others get better. The job will be hard and demanding at times, but it will all be worth it. I wish I could skip all of these prerequisites and go straight into the hands on part! I want to inspire others to take on caree

Amendment One

For the record, I am straight. I have NOTHING against gays, bi's or transgendered people. The people who voted for this ban on marriage need to open their minds and be more optimistic. People are people regardless of race, sexual preference, weight size or whatever. We should ALL be treated equally and have the same rights. I have had a few friends that like men and women or just one or the other and let me tell you, it didn't make me love them any less. I think that if 2 women or 2 men want to be married, then so be it. It isn't like I have to be there to watch (although if invited, I gladly would). I think a big issue in this country is that everyone is so concerned about everyone else and their business that they don't focus on themselves and leave others alone. Also another issue about gay marriage is "morals". Since everyone is different and doesn't have the same morals and/or beliefs,  technically nothing can be declared right or wrong. They should l

Snacking, Beverages and other dieting tips

I love to snack. When I decided to try and be fit and eat healthier, I knew I would have to cut out my favorite potato chips, buttery popcorn, and snickers bars. At first, leaving my favorite snacks behind was hard. I would crave them constantly and sometimes, I would  even give in. But I started buying more health conscious snacks at the stores. My dad air popped some popcorn for me months and months ago and now, that is the only popcorn I will eat. It is lighter and it isn't drenched in artery clogging butter and oils. As far as potato chips go, I rarely EVER have any and when I do, I go for baked or kettle cooked. If I buy a small bag from 7-11, I only eat about half and save the rest as a snack for the next day. If I buy the big bags, I will put two handfuls into little baggies as my portions. I am a chocoholic. Anything with chocolate, I will eat it. Every once in a while I will buy a Snickers bar or Hershey with Almonds bar. I try to eat half and save the other for the next d

The lazy song

I came across this video this morning on my Tumblr feed. They are so adorable and they made my Tuesday morning a lot happier!

Jump Rope

Last night my brother joined me in some jump roping. My legs are kind of sore today from it, so something must have worked. The handles are weighted (1 pound) so maybe I will lose my arm flubber too. I keep little baggies of nuts and Special K bars hidden in my purse in case of a snack attack. I would much rather eat one of those instead of potatoe chips or french fries. I'm not dieting and eating healthier to be skinny, I'm doing it to be healthy and fit. I think it's gross when you can count someone's ribs. I want to keep my curves, but lose my fat.