Women who inspire me.

There are some women in Hollywood that have helped mold me into who I am and there is one who is near and dear to my heart. The first person I will start off with is Lady Gaga. She is weird, likes to wear meat dresses, and has crazy hair dos all the time.She also has a great voice. She has taught me that there is nothing wrong with being me. Acting as yourself no matter who you are around is how it always should be. Lady Gagas song "Born This Way" is possibly the best song I've ever heard because it is so true. The next lady I look up to is Nicki Minaj. I will be honest. At first I thought she was really weird and wore the clothes and wigs for attention. But then I realized she is really just one bad bitch. She taught me that demanding respect from other people is perfectly okay and you get the type of respect you give. She has multiple personalities that has helped her career sky rocket. Her lyrics are about real life situations (most of the time) and I like the fact that she is a rapper showing them dudes how it's done. Nicki taught me that demanding respect for myself and others doesn't make me a bitch. Keyshia Cole has such a beautiful voice and she is very pretty. She taught me that no man will EVER treat me like dirt and that I deserve just as much respect as the next person. There are many more singers/actresses I look up to but this blog would turn into a book. I saved the best for last. My mom is the main person who has molded me into the person I am. She is the strongest, hard working single mom I have ever met and I look up to her for that. She loves to help people and she has inspired me to do the same. I really appreciate the young woman my mom has helped me become and I hope that someday if I ever have a daughter, I will have just as much of a positive impact on her life as my mom has had with mine. I love you mom!


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