Registered Nursing

For a 20 year old, I must say that I am VERY mature, sometimes too mature. I pay most of my bills by myself and I am very independent. Rarely ever do I rely on someone. I really want to make good grades at community college and transfer to Sentara College of Health Sciences for their Traditional BSN program so that I can become an RN. Reaching this goal is very important to me. I want to be successful so that eventually, when I have a family of my own, we can be financially stable. I don't want to become a registered nurse for the paycheck. Yes, the pay and job outlook look great for this career field, but I am mainly doing it because I LOVE helping people. I love volunteering and raising money for charities. Registered nursing will give me the opportunity to help others get better. The job will be hard and demanding at times, but it will all be worth it. I wish I could skip all of these prerequisites and go straight into the hands on part! I want to inspire others to take on careers paths that will help others as well. If this registered nursing thing doesn't go well for me, I want to do something like middle school or high school guidance counseling so that I can inspire younger youth to be all they can be and to stay away from gangs, drugs and other bad things that will just end up leading them into a wall of trouble.


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