I have to do what I think is right....

I've recently been debating whether or not to attend the CNA program at my community college. If I become a CNA, then my foot will be in the medical field door and I could always work as one while saving up and finishing my other prerequisites for Sentara. Financial Aid doesn't cover this program because it is a small amount of credits, So I would have to pay out of pocket. I think I have decided that I will do it after the summer semester ends. The job where I am at now is good, I get good money and the environment is nice because it is on the water. But there is no room for advancement and my pay will never be raised. Working as a CNA will help me develop skills I will need and use as a RN. I have had the same work pattern since I graduated from high school in 2010. I get up Monday through Friday at 6:30 to get ready for work. I work all day from 8-4. I am ready for a change. Hopefully I can find a job as a CNA after I'm certified that will work with me while I still attend school to finish my RN prerequisites. I guess in the end, all that matters is that you did what was right for you and your future. Life is all about making decisions and some of them obviously aren't going to be easy.


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