My thoughts on the mayor of New York banning large sodas......

I completely agree with it. Soda is nothing but sugar water with a bunch of other artificial crap inside of it. Having a small soda here and there is acceptable but there is honestly no need for someone to be able to fill a gallon cup up with soda at a 7-11. I am overweight but I'm changing. I understand now that soda is not good for you at all and I do believe it helps aid in creating obesity, diabetes and other health problems associated with being overweight. This is a step in the right direction. If people started living healthier and losing weight, maybe people that receive benefits that don't need them just because they are overweight can be taken away and given to someone who actually needs them. It angers me that people use the "I'm overweight" excuse. Instead of riding in a motorized scooter at Walmart, WALK. Let the little 90 year old lady with brittle bones use the scooter. America has let the junk food, fast food and unhealthy foods situation get way to far out of hand. Yes, I understand that every individual is entitled to do whatever they want and eat whatever they want because they are in America, but there is no need for someone to order a burger that almost weighs 3 or 4 pounds or super sizing. Other countries over seas have our small size cups as their larges. That is why other countries have healthier people. They don't feed them junk and the people are smart about what they eat. Maybe one day health foods with be cheaper and fast foods will be more expensive so that people will start living healthier lives. Obesity in America is at a ridiculous high rate and I am so glad that I am changing myself (and hopefully inspiring others) to do so as well.


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