Amendment One

For the record, I am straight. I have NOTHING against gays, bi's or transgendered people. The people who voted for this ban on marriage need to open their minds and be more optimistic. People are people regardless of race, sexual preference, weight size or whatever. We should ALL be treated equally and have the same rights. I have had a few friends that like men and women or just one or the other and let me tell you, it didn't make me love them any less. I think that if 2 women or 2 men want to be married, then so be it. It isn't like I have to be there to watch (although if invited, I gladly would). I think a big issue in this country is that everyone is so concerned about everyone else and their business that they don't focus on themselves and leave others alone. Also another issue about gay marriage is "morals". Since everyone is different and doesn't have the same morals and/or beliefs,  technically nothing can be declared right or wrong. They should let people that want to get married, get married no matter what race, ethnicity or sexual preference. I find it sad that people in country judge people based on their sexual status. Who cares? When I meet someone for the first time, I'm not asking myself in my head if they are straight or gay. I am probably looking at their hair and clothes. My point here is to leave others alone and worry about yourself.


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