Depressed,Disappointed and Angry.

I'm still fat. I know I shouldn't be expecting super results because I'm not working out as much as I would like to or should be, but I also didn't expect to still weigh the same after changing my eating habits completely. I'm depressed because I look on Tumblr at these really pretty skinny girls and in my head I know I could have a body that looked awesome. I have no self confidence at all and I feel like curling up in a ball, into a black hole to cry and yell. I'm disappointed because I expected more out of myself. I told myself that I would work out at least 3 nights a week and I haven't been doing it. I'm angry at myself because I know I can do it. I know I could be a size 7 or 9 because that is what I want. Anything I want to achieve is possible with the right amount of will power. I'm also angry because when I look in the mirror I still see a fat girl who eats her feelings and still has jiggly thighs and a muffin top. I want this so bad and it is up to me to achieve this. Sometimes not getting the results you wanted or expected can put you down. But I'm not giving up. I could quit this new lifestyle and go pig out at Wendy's or I could push harder, have more will power and work out. I am choosing the second option. I guess this will take more time than I had expected. At least I'm still trying.


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