Snacking, Beverages and other dieting tips

I love to snack. When I decided to try and be fit and eat healthier, I knew I would have to cut out my favorite potato chips, buttery popcorn, and snickers bars. At first, leaving my favorite snacks behind was hard. I would crave them constantly and sometimes, I would  even give in. But I started buying more health conscious snacks at the stores. My dad air popped some popcorn for me months and months ago and now, that is the only popcorn I will eat. It is lighter and it isn't drenched in artery clogging butter and oils. As far as potato chips go, I rarely EVER have any and when I do, I go for baked or kettle cooked. If I buy a small bag from 7-11, I only eat about half and save the rest as a snack for the next day. If I buy the big bags, I will put two handfuls into little baggies as my portions. I am a chocoholic. Anything with chocolate, I will eat it. Every once in a while I will buy a Snickers bar or Hershey with Almonds bar. I try to eat half and save the other for the next day, but that doesn't always work out. If you are just starting out trying to be more healthy, I will be honest with you, it is tough but worth it. As far as other snacks go, try to eat fruits and veggies. I love eating whatever is in season. Right now strawberries and cucumbers are in and I buy them all the time to munch on. I feel a lot better eating those rather than oily potato chips or salty, buttery popcorn. Here is a list of things I eat for my snacks:
  • Animal Crackers
  • Nuts (I prefer Cashews)
  • Fruits (My favorites are strawberries, bananas, oranges and apples)
  • Veggies( Baby carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans)
  • Air popped popcorn with a little dash of salt
  • 90 calorie Special K bars 
Drinking regular water has always been TOO plain to me. I always buy Crystal Light low calorie drink mixes to put in my water bottles. I also like to drink Propel Zero. They have a lot of flavor and no calories. I try very hard to consume at least 2 bottles of regular water a day, but it never works out. I am trying though. I love sweet tea and coffee (in the morning before work). I have been putting less sugar in them and I use no fat creamer for my coffee. I tried drinking it just straight black, but that didn't go over to well. Today for my lunch break, I picked up a drink called Sparkling Ice. It is delicious and there are plenty of flavors. It would be a GREAT soda substitute.
As far as other dieting tips, here are some things that work for me. When I work out and I start getting tired, I think of all the mean things people have said to me over the years about my weight. I think of getting those thin thighs and flat tummy. That makes me work out for a little longer because I start taking out my anger and frustration. Walk, walk, walk. Whenever possible. I park further away from the door at my favorite stores and if I just ate, I walk isles I don't even need anything on just to burn an extra calorie or two. I am kind of on a budget due to other bills so I go to Five Below for all of my exercising stuff. They have exercise balls, yoga mats, weights and a lot more. And everything is under $5. Making small changes to your diet will help a little. Since January I haven't had fast food or soda and I have lost almost 5 pounds, with minimal exercise. The main throughout all of this is never to give up. Once you start trying to be healthier, it will be your new way of life. And remember just because your skinny friends can eat whatever without gaining weight, it is still not a healthy way to live. I try to inspire as many others as I can not to eat fast food or any other kind of junk. YOU can do this! Don't ever give up. It is hard, but in the end it will be worth it.


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