Desk Job Workouts/Stretches

Since I work all day at a desk, sitting gets boring VERY quickly. Since I am on a eat healthy/lose some weight kick, I thought I would share with you some workouts/stretches that I do when the office is dead. First thing is wall sits. I try to hold it for at least a minute, take a quick break and do it again. After that, I do lunges. 15 reps on each leg.Squats will work too. If I get super bored I will pace around the office or clean.As far as stretches go, I will do things like reach for the floor or ceiling, pull my foot behind my back, and do side stretches reaching for the wall.  Burning some calories is better than burning none. I feel a lot better after doing this too. I only recommend you do things like this if you don't have a lot of people around or if you don't care who sees that is cool too. As for me, boaters might think I'm weird if they walk in to check in and I'm doing squats or wall sits.


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