Debating Again!

     It seems like I'm always debating things. Should I eat pizza or Chinese? Wear a dress or jeans? Now I'm debating whether or not to do my community college nurse aide program during the day (9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Monday through Friday) or keep working full time and go part time (4:30 p.m. until 9.30 p.m. every other week day).  The good thing is that I already have enough money to pay for my credit hours for lecture and clinical. I also have enough money for all of my supplies (scrubs, stethoscope, etc). The only big issue will be finding a part time job so I can at least make enough money to put gas in my car. Finding a part time job with enough hours to make a couple hundred dollars isn't easy. I make $10 an hour now. If I go from making that to $7.25, that will be a drastic change.
     The job I've had now for the past three years has made me more financially independent than ever. I pay almost all of my own bills. My parents don't charge me rent (luckily) since I'm going to college. I'm on my moms insurance since the policy was cheaper with multiple drivers. I'm responsible for my car, phone bill, clothes and I even buy my own food and drinks sometimes. If I go from making the decent money I'm making now to barely $300 every two weeks, I don't know what I'll do. I love shopping and it will be hard to give it up. But on the bright side, once I'm done with the nurse aide program, I will be making more money than just part time.
     The only other worry I have is failing the two-part exam to become certified. The lady said we get to take it three times. We have to pay each time we retake it as well. I don't want to quit my full time job to become a certified nurse aide then fail it all together. It would be a huge waste of time and money. I know if I work hard enough I will pass but if I did it part time that would probably just stress me out. Working all day then going to lecture/clinical for 5 hours will be very tiring and stressful on me. I would like to take the course Monday through Friday during the day and just work somewhere at night.
     Sometimes I wish I was one of those people who just do things in the spur of the moment. I wish I could make choices without debating every "what if". What if I fail this program and waste my time and money? What if I fail and gave up my good full time job for nothing? What if healthcare isn't for me? Then there is the positive side to all of this. What if I do pass the program and become certified? What if it was worth the time, money and effort? What if this was the perfect choice? I have no idea what I'm going to do and I need to make a move soon. This semester is almost over and the summer semester is only ten weeks long. After the summer semester I will start the program but which should I choose? Risk it all and go for my dreams or play it safe?


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