Prestigious Schools

     By now, anyone that reads my blog knows I attend community college. During high school I did not have the best grades or the drive to want to go to a prestigious school like Virginia Tech, Harvard, etc. My parents never put loads of unwanted pressure on me to even attend college. Their goal for me was to at least graduate high school and I did. My parents didn't go to college but they are not failures at life by no means. They are hard working individuals that always get the bills paid regardless of what it takes.
     Every time someone asks me if I go to college or what college I attend and I say community college, they look at me with the expression of "oh she must not be academically smart enough" or "what a loser/poor person". During my senior year, I had made up my mind to go to nursing school. By the time I graduated, I had no money in my savings account for college because I always thought I had to go to a prestigious school that I knew my parents nor myself could ever afford. Then I started searching on Google and found out about local community colleges.
     When I found the website for the current college I attend, I started looking for their information on tuition, programs,locations and semesters. I started saving as much as possible to attend my very first semester of college. Once I had the money, I applied to the school, got accepted, and started my first semester of pre-reqs. It wasn't easy at first juggling school and class but now I'm used it.
      I'm currently in my third semester without my parents paying for a dime! I have done it all by myself without relying on my parents to pay for my tuition and such. When I see people from other Universities posting pictures of them partying, it makes me feel better about myself knowing I'm not pissing away my parents money just to go to a school to name drop in conversations and fail my general courses.
     What matters most when I graduate and become a registered nurse is how I do my job, not what college I went to and how much I spent. I don't need to go to a prestigious university to become a great nurse. And I also feel better about myself knowing my parents haven't handed everything to me my whole life. I've actually worked for my education and the other things I have.


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