Feeling A Difference

     Even though my boyfriend and I have only went swimming at the recreation center twice this week, I feel great. It feels good to burn up energy I have that is built up all day from sitting at my desk job. When I wake up in the morning and put my clothes on, I feel more confident. My body(weight wise) hasn't changed, but my mental aspect has. I feel good knowing I'm spending my energy positively instead of just eating after work and laying down.
     Yesterday we went to the rec center that we went to on Tuesday. The lifeguard yesterday kept starring us down as we swam and played "water basketball". I don't know if she knew us or if she was just rude, but it was kind of uncomfortable. The pool there is decent. The workout room on the other hand is small. So small that only like 10 people can be in there at a time on the machines and lifting weights. This weekend we are going to either go there early to use the workout room or go later before they close, hoping they won't be as crowded.
     My original goal was to lose 32 pounds but if I lose 20 and like the way I look, I will stay there. I just want to be comfortable with my body for once in my life. I don't want to worry about how I look wearing certain types of clothing anymore. I'm glad my boyfriend goes with me to the rec instead of going by myself. It's more fun when you have someone there with you that makes you feel comfortable. Hopefully this isn't a phase that will last a couple of weeks. I want to constantly do this so I can keep up with my health.
     I'm mad at myself for letting my weight get so out of control, but at the same time, I'm proud of myself for realizing that I needed to change my eating habits and take a step in a healthier direction. I'm hoping more unhealthy people in this country will realize how important it is to be healthy and not eat tons of junk food or drink sugary drinks, especially soda all day every day. Cutting back on just soda and junk foods will make an impact to those extra pounds.
     The one thing I will never do again is count my calories. I became so obsessed with counting them on Myfitnesspal.com. I would get angry if I went over or became close to going over my calorie intake. It drove me nuts when I went to the stores to buy snacks for work and school and the first thing I would look at is the calories. Now, I just watch my portions and stay away from sugary candies, oily potato chips and other junk. I eat nuts(especially cashews) and drink water, flavored water or hot tea with lemon.
     There are still some people who make comments about my weight. They will still call me a big girl or tell me I'm thick and what not. I used to let words like that bother me but now I don't. The only reason it doesn't bother me anymore is because they have no idea what I'm going through. They don't know I used to bigger or thicker than what I am today. I'm changing slowly but surely. I didn't gain this weight overnight and myself and other people shouldn't expect me to lose it overnight either.
     So my current schedule is as follows:
  • Work from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday through Friday
  • College classes on Monday and Wednesday from 4:30 p.m. until 7 p.m.
  • Rec center to swim and/or workout on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and maybe Sundays (Fridays too if we feel like it)
     My next weigh in is on April 18 and my goal is to be 145. Hopefully with my new schedule juggling everything it will happen. And if not, at least I tried! Have a great weekend :)


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