May 20, Please Hurry!

     Two months and 15 days until I start the lecture portion of the nurse aide program. I know this is all I have been talking about recently, but I'm so excited. I'm finally going to be doing something I want to do. My parents support my decision to this as well so that makes me want to do it even more. The good thing about going ahead and doing this program, is that it will tell me whether I want to proceed with  a career in healthcare. I'm sure I will LOVE being a nurse someday but you never know. I'd rather find out sooner than later if I like working in the healthcare field instead of spending $20,000+ becoming a registered nurse and hate it.
     The community college bookstore has everything I need and the prices are pretty reasonable. Even though I'm nowhere near the clinical portion of this program, I want to get everything ahead of time so that I'm not rushing before the clinical portion starts. I need scrubs, a stethoscope, white shoes, white socks, and the textbook and workbook. Adding to that list, I also need to pay $46 for my background check and get a 2 step TB test BEFORE I start clinical. For me, this list is kind of overwhelming. I would like to get this all done before and during the lecture part because cramming it all together at one time would be stressful.
     Looking at where I am in my life (so far) compared to other people my age, I say I'm doing great. I graduated high school, I don't have a child, I have a good paying job, I'm paying my own way through college, I don't get in trouble with the police or have court dates/fines, and I'm going to have a great career someday. Yes, I'm bragging. I could have taken a different path but I didn't. I'm very proud and happy with myself and where I'm at. This new chapter in my life needs to start!


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