No Break on Spring Break

     This past week was spring break for my community college. Guess what I did? WORK. I didn't save up money like I wanted to in order to take a week off for myself. Since I work at a boat yard. Our season starts generally in March so that means taking a week off during the summer months would make it hectic in the office. I don't like sounding greedy but I want and need some time off. In the three years I've been working here, I've never taken any time off besides leaving early or using my lunch break for doctors and dentist appointments.
     If I took a week off that would allow me to do things I've wanted to do. Like go to the mall during the day when it is less crowded and have lunch with friends who have night jobs. I would be able to clean and organize my room from top to bottom and donate things I never use or don't want anymore. Taking a week off would feel like a month. My stress would probably disappear for that one week as well.
     The only problem I run into is when? What month or week should I pick to take off? If I take a week off in the summer, that means my boss will have to run the office while I'm gone. With the way our Quickbooks is set up, he doesn't know how to use it and I have a feeling things will be messed up when I come back. But I would get to spend all day at the beach, relaxing and enjoying the sun. If I take a fall/winter break, there are less boats since the season dies down and there wouldn't be to much office work for me to miss or catch up on. I personally am a summer person and would love to spend my time off on the beach. Do I choose what's right for me or my job?
     Do I deserve time off? Personally, I think I do. Like I said before, I've never taken time off from my job for myself. Everyone else I work with takes trips and vacations. All I do is go to work and school. There is no "me" time. Maybe I will take a week off during the summer between semesters at school. I don't know what to do. But I do know that I need a break.


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