Double Standard.

     Even though my brother and I don't get along all the time, I love him. If you lay a finger on him, it's going down. But he has been through more vehicles in the past year than anyone I know. He just showed up at my work with a nice diesel truck. He said it was $13,000. He is only 17 so I know someone had to sign for it and fork out the money for him to drive it off the lot. Where is my money for college? Where is my new car?
     Here is a little background of my achievements so far. I graduated high school in 2010 with a standard diploma, not honors. I could have done it if I wanted too but I wanted to get the hell out of there. I drive a car that is 18 years old but I love it.I have done and still participate in multiple fundraisers. I love helping people. I work full time and go to college part time so that hopefully one day, I can gave a great career as a registered nurse. For the most part, I'm financially independent. My parents don't make me pay rent since I have to pay for college out of pocket. I keep up the maintenance on my car, including gas. I pay my cell phone bill, buy my own clothes and sometimes even my own food.
     My brother doesn't go to school at all. He quit going to regular school so my parents tried the whole home schooling thing. He stopped at tenth grade. For a while he worked with my dad and then he quit. Now he is working with my dad again until he starts his actual job on Monday. I'm not saying I want a new car or deserve one. But it seems like since I've done everything possible to make my parents proud they would surprise me with a new car for my achievements or pay for some of my school for a semester or something!
     My family means the world to me but when I get put on the back burner just because I'm older now, it just doesn't seem right. If I dropped out of high school or got in trouble with the law like he has, my car would have been taken away and I'm sure my parents would have punished me with more. Guys mature at a slower rate than girls. I get that. But when you give one child money out of your hand and make the other one work for everything it's not fair. If they give him $500 for something, why can't I get $500 for college? Or to put towards a new car? This double standard crap is angering. It makes me feel like working hard to make my parents proud isn't worth it anymore. Yea they congratulate me and tell me they are proud which makes me happy. But they don't give me the money they give my brother. In my opinion, I think I've earned it.


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