95 Days

     It is taking every ounce of me to continue this program and finish. 95 days is not very long but battling depression during the process makes everything ten times harder. I am depressed because I have no life, no money, my boyfriend is deployed, and I hate having all of this debt lingering over my head. Plus I can't contribute to my relationship financially due to going to school full time instead of working. I t really sucks that my job doesn't need me on the days I have off from school and clinical. I'm willing to work they just don't need me. I know I've talked about this crap over and over again but it bothers me. 95% of my attitude, sadness, and stress would disappear if I could actually pay this debt off and start making a decent paycheck I want to be able to buy a lot of groceries to cook nice meals for me and my boyfriend. I want to be able to buy him anything he needs or wants. I want to be able to by myself new nursing supplies or Vera Bradley bags. I know when this program is all over and done with it will be worth it. But it is making it through these 95 days that is going to kill me. I am drained mentally and emotionally and school isn't the main problem. It is my debt. I wish I would of thought some things through before I just leaped and did them.


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