Wasteful Spending

     I decided to look at my bank account statement for the month of April and I even glanced at this month too, even though it has just started. I decided to add up all of the money I've wasted on fast food and at other places like my bras from Victoria's Secret ($63.60) during this month and last month. So Aprils total amounted to $208.79. I went to Dunkin Donuts A LOT. I'm sorry but I love their caramel lattes. That is where the main source of spending went, aside from Victoria's Secret. Other than that, I went to McDonald's a few times for apple pies and a McFlurry, 7-11 for junk food (I am so bad), and a few other fast food places probably on the way home from school or during lunch since I was too lazy to pack something or just didn't have enough to buy groceries that week. My total for May so far amounts to $51.75. It is only the 5th day....what the hell? It is all fast food once again. The grand total between last month and this month is $260.54! That is $20 away from a car payment, I could pay two car insurance payments, 4 school loan payments, 4 cell phone bills, 8 credit card payments, or gee I could of bought some damn groceries! I also could of spent that money paying off companies I owe or hospital bills. That is a lot of money wasted on stupid crap. Looking at those statements taught me a lesson, a very valuable one at that. I have to stop complaining about being broke and "on a budget" because if I can afford stupid stuff like that and waste that amount each month, I am not hurting for money that bad. It angers me that I wasted that much money instead of using it to pay off debts or save. My spending habits are changing starting right now. No more fast food or Dunkin Donuts coffee unless ALL of my bills are paid and there is some left over for it. I shouldn't be eating that crap anyways. I like buying healthy food. I will not be bringing my card into the school building with me anymore because $18 of that went to the vending machines. This is ridiculous. It has really opened my eyes to how much money can be easily wasted. If you want to surprise yourself, check out your bank statement and see where your money goes. You might be just as shocked as I am right now.


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